#include <hallo.h>
Patrick wrote on Sun Aug 19, 2001 um 02:59:31AM:

First: which Debian branch, which XFree? AFAIK there is no support in
XFree-3.3.x at all, so the only solution may be the kernel VESA
framebuffer and the corresponding FB-Xserver.

> X-Windows in the xf86config executable and type startx, the screen goes
> black, and does not come back.  My ATI Radeon 32DDR video card is not on the

With XFree-4.1.x you may be lucky, or not. Radeon support ist IMHO Work
In Progress. When you fail completely, try "vesa" driver instead. Some
Radeon cards are mentioned to be supported in the Status file, so try
"ati" first. It is to be changed in /etc/X11/XF86Config-4, line
containing "Driver".

> Also, I believe I am configuring xdm (or something like it) to manage my
> windows.  I'm not sure if it has something to do with this or not, but

Which windows? I think you are speaking about X, alias X11, alias
X-Window-System. I don't have any Windows on my linux system.

> everytime I boot up (even with an emergency backup floppy), the X-Windows
> tries to start up and the screen goes black again.  I have reinstalled
> Debian 3 times to try and figure out what's going on, and haven't seemed to
> make any progress.  Any ideas would be greatly appreciated!  Thanks!

Bullshit, never deal with Linux with such Windows methods. Reinstalling
won't solve your problems. Instead, remove the xdm package after the
installation or disable it, if you don't like the graphical login.

chmod -x /etc/init.d/?dm

> Zum Unlesbarmachen kann man auch cdrecord blank=full auf eine CD-R
> anwenden ;-)
aber doch wohl nur in /dev/mikrowelle oder? :-)
                  Andreas 'Knv' Kanev in de.comp.hardware.cd-brenner

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