I just got the same setup to work on my computer without upgrading to
woody, have you thought about that. Just follow the steps below.
0) Compile and install the 2.2.19 kernel
1) Download the binary packages of X from xfree86.org and install
2) Download kde 2.2. Compile and install. Follow the directions on kde
site.  Make sure to build qt with gif support ./configure -gif.

That is all there is to it.  As you compile kde it may complain about the
lack of some libs, install those using apt-get and eventually you will 
have everything you need.  I don't know if the above process makes your
system more stable, or you would be better off installing woody maybe
somebody else can comment.

Thus spake James Lindenschmidt ([EMAIL PROTECTED]):
> Greetings, 
> I'm trying to upgrade my potato box to woody so I can run KDE 2.2. I'd also 
> like to upgrade to Xfree86 4.x. I tried using apt-get, but I'm getting an 
> error message and having trouble tracking it down.

Todd V. Rovito
Carpe Aptenodytes! ================ "Seize the Penguins!" 

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