On Wed, Mar 05, 2003 at 03:21:39PM +0200, Alaa The Great wrote......
> AFAIK GCC 2.95 doesn't have the ios_base namespace , you'll have to
> use ios instead.
> however boolalpha is not implemented in 2.95, so you'll have install
> g++-3.2 (only in testing I believe).
> if you plan on learning C++ I recommend you use 3.2, it is more
> standard compliant and will give you more verbose warnings and errors.
> but please note that there is not binary compatibility between
> C++ code compiled using different versions of GCC so if you use GCC
> 3.2 you won't be able to link against C++ libraries provided by debian
> (like QT for instance).
> what I do is have the two versions installed, I use 2.95 for compiling
> any software I download and 3.2 for my own code.

First, thanks much for your response.  I'm running testing, so I
apt-get'd g++-3.2 just now with no problem and tested out boolalpha, and
presto, it worked!  Thanks.

Second, question about how to best set up the dual compilers:  Like you,
I'll use 2.95 to compile downloaded software, and 3.2 for stuff I write.
Do you change the symlink in /usr/bin depending upon what you are doing?
Is there a better way such that you won't forget to change that symlink
cause I know sooner or later I'll forget.

When I compile my own stuff, I use qmake.  So it's easy enough for me to
have qmake.conf point to 3.2.  Is there debian package software that
uses qmake?  If not, then I can leave my symlink in /usr/bin pointing
towards 2.95 and just change the pointer in my qmake.conf.

Thanks again

Kevin Coyner
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