On Wed, Aug 15, 2001 at 08:20:21PM -0700, bob parker wrote:
> I'm very new to Debian (Potato r3) and very impressed
> with the stability. My install defaulted to booting
> into xdm which I do not want as I prefer using the
> command line for a lot of work.
> I got around this by mv'ing /etc/init.d/xdm to
> ...xdm.bak. Very much a kludge I think.

A better way would be to rename /etc/rc2.d/S99xdm to s99xdm or something.
There is a utility to do this, but I don't remember what it is called.
This is assuming you boot into runlevel 2.  This way you can just switch to
runlevel 3 (`init 3`) to get xdm if you want it.

> What is the better way? Also how may I get back to the
> command line when using xdm? All the way back, not
> just using virtual terminals under X.

You just type ctrl-alt-fN where N is 1-6.  Although I'm not sure what you
mean by virtual terminals under X (xterms, perhaps?).  This gives you
virtual terminals, but they are not under X.
David Roundy

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