On Tue, Aug 14, 2001 at 09:21:47AM -0500, T.Phan wrote:
| Hi All,
|   Is there a way to soft reset the cable modem and the NIC on
|   a Debian/Linux box?

'ifdown eth0' will shutdown the interface eth0 and 'ifup eth0' will
bring it back up.

|   The AT&T Cable Modem some time loses connection, sometime it
|   resets itself.  Afterward, the Debian box will no longer be
|   able to establish the connection until the debian box and
|   the cable modem are shutdown and reboot.

If you power off the cable modem, wait a few minutes, and then power
it back on what happens?  With my ADSL modem I have no problem at
all.  Also, are you using PPPoE or DHCP?  I have read that DHCP is
more robust than PPP because a connection can be dropped for some time
then resumed as if nothing had happened whereas a PPP connection is
broken if the connection is dropped at all.

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