On Tue, Aug 14, 2001 at 03:41:16AM -0700, Mark Kalusha wrote:
| How can I give my users or a group permision to
| shutdown and halt the machine?

Others have already mentioned sudo.  Another alternative is to use a
display manager (such as gdm) that includes halt as a menu option.
For gdm you need to change a line in the config file (under /etc).
The config file commented and exlains that changing the line from '0'
to '1' will enable the "system" menu.  (Sorry, I don't have my box in
front of me right now and I don't remember enough details to explain

| Note for you security concious peeps, the machine is
| in my home no networked and the users are my family
| members.

This is a good group to allow to shutdown the system :-).  What I miss
is the option to shutdown in the GNOME logout confirmation dialog.  It
was there with RH (gnome 1.0.[something] through 1.2.[something]) ...


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