On Fri, Aug 03, 2001 at 10:08:33PM -0700, Osamu Aoki wrote: > On Fri, Aug 03, 2001 at 01:31:16PM +0100, Patrick Kirk wrote: > > The nice set of .forward templates that was on www.exim.org has disappeared. > > I set ~/.procmailrc to delivar mail to each folder. Since I use Maildir > format it is like: (If you want regular mbox, remove trailing /) > > -------------------------- > # All delivary to Qmail style Maildir. i.e. followed by / > # No lock needed > > MAILDIR=$HOME/Mail > DEFAULT=$MAILDIR/Inbox/ > LOGFILE=$MAILDIR/Maillog > > ################# Message filters ###################### > > # message length for Maildir(qmail) > :0 Bfh > * H ?? !^Lines: > * -1^0 > * 1^1 ^.*$ > | formail -A "Lines: $=" [snip]
but after a few lines, those procmail recipes look too much like romulan for me. exim's filters (~/.forward) to the rescue: # Exim filter logfile $home/.forward.log 0600 # ... so i can still "mailstat ~/.forward.log" if error_message then save Mail/error logwrite "From $return_path $tod_log\n Subject: $h_subject:\n Folder: error $message_size" finish endif # -------------- # paypal payment if $return_path contains "[EMAIL PROTECTED]" then save Mail/paypal logwrite "From $return_path $tod_log\n Subject: $h_subject:\n Folder: paypal $message_size" finish endif # -------------------- # checking system logs if foranyaddress $h_to:,$h_cc: (${local_part:$thisaddress} is "root") then save Mail/root logwrite "From $return_path $tod_log\n Subject: $h_subject:\n Folder: root $message_size" finish endif # -------------------- # debian mailing lists #X-Mailing-List: <debian-user@lists.debian.org> archive/latest/151892 if $h_X-Mailing-List matches "^<debian-(.*)@lists\\\\.debian\\\\.org>" then save Mail/debian-${lc:$1} logwrite "From $return_path $tod_log\n Subject: $h_subject:\n Folder: debian-${lc:$1} $message_size" finish endif # ------------ # various gunk if $sender_address_domain ends "whatUseek.com" or $sender_address_domain ends "whatUseek.com" or $sender_address_domain ends "websidestory.com" or $sender_address_domain ends "webreview.com" or $sender_address_domain ends "webpronews.com" or $sender_address_domain ends "MotleyFool.com" or $sender_address_domain ends "SearchHound.com" or $sender_address_domain ends "about.com" or $sender_address_domain ends "Mailbits.com" or $sender_address_domain ends "smtp.quote.com" or $sender_address_domain ends "accessmicro.com" or $sender_address_domain ends "itemzone.com" or $sender_address_domain ends "spedia.net" or $sender_address_local_part contains "readers.digest" or $sender_address_local_part contains "TheCounterProfessional" or $sender_address_local_part contains "intelligentxmailbag" or $h_to: contains "[EMAIL PROTECTED]" then save Mail/gunk logwrite "From $return_path $tod_log\n Subject: $h_subject:\n Folder: gunk $message_size" finish endif # ------------------------------ # mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED] if $original_local_part is "webmaster" and $original_domain matches "([^.]+[.](com|org|net))\\$" then save Mail/webmaster-${lc:$1} logwrite "From $return_path $tod_log\n Subject: $h_subject:\n Folder: webmaster-${lc:$1} $message_size" finish endif # must be junk mail! save Mail/JUNK-O-RAMA logwrite "From $return_path $tod_log\n Subject: $h_subject:\n Folder: JUNK-O-RAMA $message_size" finish the main snafu here is all the extra "\\\\" involved in the bizarre quoting mechanismo... -- DEBIAN NEWBIE TIP #27 from Will Trillich <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> : Would you like RXVT to have more than 80 COLUMNS OR 24 ROWS? For an rxvt session, running under X, specify how many rows and columns you want: rxvt -g 132x30 & Try "man rxvt" for more info. Also see http://newbieDoc.sourceForge.net/ ...