Is it possible to have Qt and Gnome on the same system and to be able to = choose one or the other when starting X (or even switching between them = when runnng X? It might be useful for comparing the difference between = the two of them. Also some programs only run in Qt whereas other programs = only run in Gnome.
- Re: Qt and Gnome both on system? Lance Hoffmeyer
- Re: Qt and Gnome both on system? Danie Roux
- Re: Qt and Gnome both on system? Lance Hoffmeyer
- Re: Qt and Gnome both on system? Danie Roux
- Re: Qt and Gnome both on system? Geoffrey Romer
- Re: Qt and Gnome both on system? Matthew Garman
- Re: Qt and Gnome both on system? Aaron Traas
- Re: Qt and Gnome both on system? Geoffrey Romer