----- Mensaje Original -----
De: Nick Boyce <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
Fecha: Martes, Marzo 4, 2003 5:06 am
Asunto: Re: Installing a KZPSA card with debian (woody) on intel machine

> On Mon, 03 Mar 2003 17:10:20 +0100, JAVALIN wrote:
> >I'm trying to install a KZPSA (Scsi) on an iintel machine (Pentium II
> >400) with debian.
> Erm .. isn't a KZPSA a DEC-brand card intended for use in DEC Alpha
> systems (the kind with PCI buses, rather than Futurebuses) (where
> DEC=Compaq=Hewpaq as necessary) ?
> I last saw one in a DEC Alphaserver 800.
> I'm not at all sure you should expect it to work in an 1386 machine.
> Nick Boyce
> Bristol, UK
> --
> There is no spoon.

Thank you for the advice. But while I was sending the email to the list
I realized that my KZPSA is a Mylex DAC960P. I have upgraded the
firmware and it's working now, under kernel 2.4.18, whith de DAC960 module.

The next step is to try to mount the Advfs file systems on this disks.
But it's no so important.

PD: Soory, I'd touch the subject and I'd borken the thread.

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