Hi there,
I'm in the process of upgrading Sendmail on a batch of servers - no surprise
there, I'm sure - and I've run into trouble on a few of them.
On some of them, with an older version of libc (2.1.3), everything works
fine; it all compiles, links, installs and runs without a hitch.
On the others, with the most recent version of libc (2.2.5, installed from
the 2.2.5-11.2 package available from debian.org at the moment), linking
fails; can't find symbols res_init or atexit.
I had a look round Google and found reference to problems with atexit
missing from an earlier version of libc, but got the impression that should
be fixed in the more recent version (and didn't affect the older version).
There isn't a new package available (as of the time I'm writing this) and in
any case the Debian package for 8.12.x has a couple of dependencies I would
rather avoid - db3, for instance.
Suggestions for the next place to look welcomed.
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