Subject: font "fixed" missing
        Date: Sat, Aug 04, 2001 at 12:18:00PM +0530

In reply to:harsha

Quoting harsha([EMAIL PROTECTED]):
> hi,
>    I was seting up Xwindow when the following problem occured. 
> Fatal server error:
> could not open default font 'fixed'
> search on google showed that i didn't have the package xfonts-base. that
> solved the problem.
> I was wondering as how I could find out which package had this rather
> than search the archives and get the answer 

I use a 2 (or 3) step approach

I would 1st look for xserver because I know I need one.
apt-cache search xserver

As xserver-common shows up in that list, and its 'common' so I would do
apt-cache show xserver-common

Then look at the Depends and Suggests to see what else I need. then do
a  apt-cache show on those packages to see if I can see anything that
looks like the error I am getting.

:-) HTH, YMMV, HAND :-)

I haven't lost my mind; it's backed up on tape somewhere.

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