nix the html email, pliz. On Wed, Aug 01, 2001 at 12:57:03PM -0700, John Stevenson wrote: >xterm and rxvt do not put up the title bar correctly. >Please look at
[EMAIL PROTECTED]: /var/www/puz $ echo $PS1 \[\e]0;[EMAIL PROTECTED]:\w\007\]\e[43;34;[EMAIL PROTECTED];40;1m: \w \e[0m\n$ on my debian/potato incarnation, my rxvt title bars work like a charm -- the BASH prompt above 1) sets the rxvt title bar (between \[<esc>]0; and \007\]) to [EMAIL PROTECTED]: /current/working/directory 2) then shows me, in color, [EMAIL PROTECTED] (my login and the server name), 3) then my current path, in bold, 4) then a newline 5) and finally the standard '$ '. does it not work for you? what exactly are you trying? -- DEBIAN NEWBIE TIP #20 from Will Trillich <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> : What TERMINAL TYPES are available for "export TERM=xyz"? Look in /etc/terminfo or /etc/termcap and pick one similar to your terminal emulator's capabilities. Common ones are "linux" (for console), "xterm", "vt102" and "rxvt". See "man terminfo" or "man termcap" if you're determined to learn the nitty-gritty. Also see ...