>>>>> On Wed, 01 Aug 2001 12:13:31 +0200 Markus Hansen writes:
MH> first i want to use a new kernel, for example 2.2.19 ok "new"... MH> or 2.4.x I recommend bunk's packages. I installed his packages to my potato box and have had no problem. You can install 2.4 kernel by reading his docs. http://www.fs.tum.de/~bunk/kernel-24.html MH> and second i want to create another partition before the normal MH> partitition, now named sda1 MH> because then i can easier boot because it is inside the first 100mbytes MH> of the disk. Do you want to create another partition as sda1 and make sda1 shift to sda2 ? Susumu Takuwa