
I just upgraded my desktop motherboard and processor to ASUS A7A266
(ALi MaGiK 1) and Athlon 1200 MHz. However, it seems I didn't do my
background research well enough - ALi MaGiK won't play together with
my BT878-based Hauppauge TV tuner card. The computer hangs completely
always when I try to launch XawTV. However, I probably will still be
able to exchange the MB to another model.

What should the new motherboard (or more specifically, the chipset)
be? The criteria for me are:

- supports Athlon 1200 MHz with 266 MHz FSB
- supports SDR SDRAM
- supports my Hauppauge WinTV PCI TV tuner card (bt878-chip)
- works flawlessly with Linux (of course)
- is stable
- gives most bang for the buck (of course)

The store I've been using seems to carry mostly VIA KT133 -based
boards. Would getting one be a horrible mistake? How about the ones
with an integrated Promise RAID controller? They would give a relative
abundance of IDE channels, but would it be worth it?

I've been eyeing on an Asus A7V133 WA or Abit KT7A-100 Raid. Would
they do the job?

Any advice or opinions would be welcome.

Best regards,

Matti Airas               Panama, Hindawi, bemd, CESID, advisors, Cap-
[EMAIL PROTECTED]             Stun, CSC, Kh-11, ISB, wetsu, industrial
+358 50 34 64 256         espionage, J2, DF, Wilma, botux, M5, SAMU,
http://www.iki.fi/mairas/ Merlin, Z, jihad, Minox, anarchy, Waihopai,

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