Subject: mutt "mail-followup-to" question (was: Re: OT: mysql front 
        Date: Mon, Jul 23, 2001 at 09:59:19PM -0500

In reply to:Matthew Garman

Quoting Matthew Garman([EMAIL PROTECTED]):
> On Mon, Jul 23, 2001 at 04:46:01PM -0400, Wayne Topa wrote:
> > Cc: Matthew Garman <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
> > 
> > Your Cc: address is incorrect.
> > -----------------------------------------------------
> >  ...
> > 
> > Remove it or fix it.
> Well, my email address is [EMAIL PROTECTED]  Both my 'From:' and
> 'Reply-to:' headers are set to that address.  The only header that is
> incorrect is 'Mail-followup-to:'.  I'm using mutt, and I checked my
> ~/.muttrc and /etc/Muttrc, and neither of them have any options set (that
> I can find :) that would make that header get addeded to my emails.
> The /etc/Muttrc file does have a "set followup-to" line, but it's
> commented out.
> So, what I would like, but do not know how to do is the following: either
> remove it all together, or have it set to the address of the mailing list
> to which I'm posting ( in this case.

See below.  
> Actually, what I would really like is for people to know that I'm
> subscribed to a mailing list, so they know that they don't have to Cc: my
> actual email address anyway.  But I want this to be "automatic" in that I
> don't have to explicitly say, "I'm subscribed to this list" in every
> email.

As your mail is sent to the list I simply use 'L' in mutt to reply to
the list.  I very seldom, if ever, set the Cc myself.  It seems that
your attempt to let everyone know you are subscribed has caused the 
Mail-followup to be added to the CC when I do the List reply.

You had me thinking I had done something in my setup to cause this.
So, as usual in cases like this, I RTFM.

-quote on-

Mutt Manual
4.8.  Handling Mailing Lists

  Mutt also supports the Mail-Followup-To header.  When you send a
  message to a list of recipients which includes one or several
  subscribed mailing lists, and if the ``$followup_to'' option is set,
  mutt will generate a Mail-Followup-To header which contains all the
  recipients to whom you send this message, but not your address. This
  indicates that group-replies or list-replies (also known as
  ``followups'') to this message should only be sent to the original
  recipients of the message, and not separately to you - you'll receive
  your copy through one of the mailing lists you are subscribed to.

__quote off--

Of course this means that your lists have to be entered into your

Using mutt, thats good.  Look at your post of this message, and hit the
h (header key)

This is your header, as I see it
In-reply-to: <"from wtopa">
To: Debian User's List <>
Reply-to: Matt Garman <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
Mail-followup-to: Matthew Garman <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>,
 Debian User's List <>

 Thats why, when I reply to the list 
Matthew Garman <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> gets put into the Cc: field

I have removed it, in this post, so as not to get a bounce, again.

In my .muttrc I just have
set followup_to   As per the manual

Will the information superhighway have any rest stops?

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