"Randolph S. Kahle" wrote:
> I may have messed up my package database...

ximian may have messed it up too.  I find that it's a good idea to stay
away from ximian and use the gnome stuff from the Debian archives. 
Ximian writes great stuff but they don't do a very good job packaging it
so it creates conflicts a lot.

> I installed CUPS (1.0.4-9) via Ximian RedCarpet. That went fine.

> How can I get rid of CUPS so that I
> can do a clean re-install?

I'd try this:

$apt-cache search cups

This will list a bunch of packages.  Figure out which ones are installed
by doing:

$dpkg --status <package_name>

if this tells you that the package is installed you can:

#dpkg -r --purge <package_name>

This (long process) should remove cups from your system.  I'd also
recommend getting rid of Ximain and installing Gnome from the Debian
.debs.  It really does eliminate a lot of headaches.


P.S. I haven't used Ximian in a while but from the type of packaging
error your getting I'm assuming they still haven't figured out how to
package things properly.

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