
I have a silly question: how do I enforce time restriction on the user?
I have a user on my box whom I would like to be able to login
ONLY between 6 pm and 10 pm. That is, to login in any form at 
all (tty, ssh, gdm, everything).

I placed the following line to my /etc/security/time.conf


hoping that it will allow user1 to login or stay in the system
for any service, from any tty, only between 18:00 and 22:00, every day.
I started /etc/init.d/logoutd and, unfortunately, there's no apparent effect.
That is, logoutd starts fine every reboot, but no restriction seems to be in 

Am I doing something wrong? 
What is the best way to restrict a user in my situation?

Thanks in advance,


Alexander Roitman

Dept. of Neuroscience
Lions Research Building
2001 6th Street SE
Minneapolis, MN 55455
Tel (612) 626-7280
FAX (612) 626-9201

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