I see from the archives that there have been problems
with LILO and Woody.  Have they been resolved?

I took my (text only) 2.2r3 + 2.4.5 upgrade system which
worked quite happily and tried to upgrade to Woody.
Using dselect failed (template parse errors) but using
apt-get upgrade and then apt-get dist-upgrade seemed
to work, BUT when I came to reboot it is as though
the boot sector has been trashed.  I can boot from floppy
and the disk is fine in all other respects.

There are no error messages if I simply run lilo but
if I run lilo -v it does mention that /boot/boot.300 already
exists, so no backup copy made.

I think that LILO was upgraded as part of the woody
upgrade, but I am not sure (is there a log kept somewhere?).

LILO reports itself as being 21.7-5 built on 16th July at
15:55:37, which is very close to the time that boot-compat.b,
boot-menu.b and boot-text.b were created, but I can not
remember if they existed before the upgrade.  boot.b is
symlinked to boot-menu.b.

Any ideas?
org:D.G.A. ltd
email;internet:[EMAIL PROTECTED]
fn:David Goodenough

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