I have a USR 5610A pci modem that worked fine with the
2.2.18 series kernel if I set the parameters in my
/etc/serial.conf file (it was /dev/ttyS2), but last
night I got the 2.4.6 source from Sid and built my own
kernel, and now my modem doesn't work.  I have ISA PNP
enabled (although it says it doesn't say it finds
anything on boot).  I've also noticed that it says it
finds a serial board and right after it lists
/dev/ttyS04, so I'm assuming that's the serial port
I'm supposed to access to use it, but if I point
pppconfig or wvdial to it, it tells me it's invalid. 
I'm not at my box to get the exact error at the
moment, but I was wondering if this strikes anything
with anyone and if anyone has any suggestions.

Thanks In Advance,

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