On Sun, Jul 22, 2001 at 11:30:13AM +0200, Chuan Guo wrote:
> a silly question:
> Are there some simple method, not "dselect", to uninstall sth. in a group,
> i.e. Gnome, i'd like use only Blackbox in my small Notebook.

Package dependency sets are a complicated beast.  Dselect in fact makes
it easier to manage packages, if you accept the dificulties that are at
the conceptual level.

> but i have already installed gnome with "tasksel", and use tasksel i cannot
> uninstall, or Problem is my test version "Woody"?

You can, if you use dselect correctly.

Read the dselect documentation.  Use dselect.  If you do not understand
something particular about it, feel free to ask on debian-user.  If you
have an idea to make it better, feel free to send a patch to the bug 
tracking system.

IMHO "dselect is difficult" is not very sensible to say, vi is
more difficult.  If vi is too difficult, then unix is not for you.
Maybe computers, even.



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