
> 1.)i just upgraded (force-overwrite) libc6-2.1.3 and
> libdb2 that comes with the debian 2.2r3 with the
> testing packages of libc6-2.2.3 and libdb2-2.7.
> after that i recompiled kernel 2.4.7pre3. when i ran
> lilo, it flashed out a message "open /vmlinuz - no
> such file or directory" when i used whereis open -
> open was still there. I couldn't use lilo because of
> this. Then i made the mistake of uninstalling lilo, so
> when i rebooted the pc, LI instead of LILO: appeared
> (meaning LILO is damaged?). i'm triple-booting QNX4,
> Win98 and Debian GNU/Linux 2.2r3 on my system. i went
> to the point of ridding lilo from the mbr just to use
> an OS (Win98 then loadlin-ing the kernel). How do I
> fix this? 

check the enteries of lilo.conf if there are pointing to the correct enteries 
and then reinstall lilo by running lilo at command line.

> 2.)Also, how do i install a kernel 2.4.x in potato? i
> hear that one needs to make kpkg the kernel source.
> can't i just copy the kernel image and install the
> sources (make bzImage; make modules; make
> modules_install) or do I really need to make kpkg the
> source just to make the system detect the modules? if
> so, how do i do it and what do i need? 

kernel-package provides a good way of compiling the kernel and building a deb 
file. of course you can go thru the make bzImage way. it is just that using 
make-kpkg is an easier way. it does the whole job for you.

> 3.)Do i need to upgrade pppd if i use kernel 2.4.x?
> wvdial won't connect - something like "invalid
> argument" reflects in the /var/logs/message file. what
> do i need to do? is there a better way to connect via
> dial-up than wvdial? if so, how?

check the version requirement of pppd. the minimum requirement is 2.4.0 for a 
2.4.x kernel. 

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