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A long time ago, in a galaxy far, far way, someone said...

> Hi all,
> I'm playing around with ipchains, but I'm just not getting the
> example given in the IPCHAINS-HOWTO. It's based on a system that's
> forwarding packets, but I'm not doing that. All I have is a single box
> connected to the world with a cable modem connected to eth0.
> It doesn't seem to be that difficult, and I'm feeling really stupid
> for not being able to figure it out. I think what has me confused is
> the HOWTO author's use of user-defined chains and then compounding the
> difficulty is that he has set up most (all?) jumps from the forward
> chain.
> Are there any docs for the simple minded? I've searched on Google and
> have found a lot of examples pertaining to forwarding.
> Thanks in advance for any direction on this.

I'm not a big fan of it but pmfirewall is a popular starting point for
people new to setting up firewalls.  It can be found at

- -- 
- ----------------------------------------------------------------------
Phil Brutsche                               [EMAIL PROTECTED]

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