On Sun, Jul 15, 2001 at 05:22:09PM +0200, Ionel Mugurel Ciobica wrote:
> will trillich bewilderedly inquired:
> > 
> > how can i type an accented e? or a c-cedilla? or a u-dieresis?
> > 
> There are many ways to do that. If you use xterm, you can get a Meta
> key working and the 8bit characters are obtained by the 7bit ones
> with meta key. Examples:
> n is decimal 110, hex 6e, octal 156, bits 01101110
> î is decimal 238, hex ee, octal 356, bits 11101110
> so î is Meta-n
> g is decimal 103, hex 67, octal 147, bits 01100111
> ç is decimal 231, hex e7, octal 347, bits 11100111
> so ç is Meta-g

if meta = alt (left or right) then
        left-alt n yields n
        right-alt n yields n
maybe it's the 'windows' key--
        left-windows n gives \en (had to escape it with ^V, to find that out)
        right-windows n does the same
control-n activates a vim feature (cool!)

> An other way is to use the compose key. In my system that is
> Ctrl-K, but some time is the Scroll Lock.

scroll lock for me turns on my keyboard led. (but doesn't
operate like ^S to stop output, which surprises me.)

> If you type Ctrl-K then ^ then i you get î. Ctrl-K then i then ^
> is the same. ç is obtained with , and c or c and , and so on.
> This is from kernel so it should work on many applications.
> /usr/X11R6/lib/X11/locale/iso8859-1/Compose can show you more
> combinations (if you use Latin1 encoding).

i press control-k, then ^, then i and i get


yay! ... but it only works in VI, not at the console/shell
prompt. hmm.

> An other way is to customize your keyboard. You have to do it
> in two steps because X and the console are using different
> files.
> /etc/X11/Xmodmap is for the X, but you may have a file
> .xmodmap in your $HOME. This file you can generate
> with xkeycaps, where you have to select your keyboard
> and customize the keys you want. Click the right button
> of the mouse on the letter e. Select edit keysym or key
> and add a value (for instance egrave) in the third position.
> Make sure you configure a key to be your AltGr. You can select the
> right key or the win keys. The value for that is Mode_switch.
> Save the file as .xmodmap and add in your .xsession file
> the entry 
> /usr/bin/X11/xmodmap .xmodmap
> Then you get ebreve (é) using AltGr-e.
> Of course you can edit the file by hand.
> For console you have to edit the /etc/console/boottime.kmap.gz.
> The mechanism is similar, for instance the line:
> keycode  18 = e
> has to be changed in
> keycode  18 = +e              +E              +egrave         +Egrave
> and also make sure you configure one key to be your AltGr
> key. If you have win keys you do:
> keycode 125 = AltGr
> keycode 126 = AltGr
> otherwise your right Alt will do from:
> keycode 100 = Alt
> to
> keycode 100 = AltGr
> I hope this help.
> Ionel
> P.S. If you start customizing your /etc/console/boottime.kmap.gz
> you will loose some options. I had to add manually
> control alt keycode 59 = Console_1
> control alt keycode 60 = Console_2
> ...
> alt keycode 105 = Decr_Console
> alt keycode 106 = Incr_Console
> etc.
> to get back some useful stuff.
> P.P.S. You can configure your Fx keys to insert some text you need
> often, by replacing the line
> string Fx = "\033[[D"
> with
> string Fx = "your text here"
> such as:
> string F10 = " ãâîºþ­ÃÂÎªÞ "

sheesh. that's a bit daunting for my poor sleep-deficit brain
right now. but at least i can get it to work in VI, which is a
start. i'll look into this stuff later. thanks!

Looking to ENCODE OR DECODE SOME ROT-13 TEXT? No problem.
"Vg'f rnfl jvgu Ivz." It's a simple alphabet substitution where
each letter changes to its counterpart 13 places away in the
alphabet (a<->n, g<->t, etc) . Open the text in Vim, then
select it (type "v" at one end of the text to encode/decode,
then move to the other end) and then type "g?".
  Or, to rot-13 a whole line, just "g??".  That's all!
(Try ":help g?" for more info.)

Also see http://newbieDoc.sourceForge.net/ ...

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