On Tue, Jul 17, 2001 at 11:32:08AM +0100, Frank Zimmermann wrote: | Leonard Stiles wrote: | > Note that you can alternatively specify "auto" as the file-system | > type, in which case it will be auto-detected by mount. | | I realized some problemes with "auto" and vfat, namely long | filenames. When I tried the auto/detection it always showed 8.3
Maybe it isn't really vfat? I do remember some problems with preformatted zip disks and MSDOS vs. Win filesystem types. I liked to take a few of my disks and use Linux to make the disk vfat on partition 1. | filnames. Well, most times I use vfat foramttd ZIPs and the few | times I use something else I use | mount -t hfs /dev/hdd /zip | (why don't I need a partition number in this case?) I guess because the entire disk is 'hfs' (the partition starts at the very front) or maybe the hfs part of the mounter can figure it out? (I have no idea what 'hfs' is nor have I used it) -D