also sprach Jeremy Zawodny (on Fri, 13 Jul 2001 06:56:01PM -0700):
> I already responded privately to offer some DNS and bandwidth help.

so did many others. i am currently totally swamped with work, but is registered, and there is not too much that needs to be
done. we are always happy for more volunteers.

> As you'll see, it is similar in some ways to MAPS, but different in
> other ways.  If nothing else, it'll help keep trash out of your mail
> system.

i thought about a cooperation, but...

Date: Fri, 13 Jul 2001 16:18:58 -0700
From: Derek Balling <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
To: "Martin F. Krafft" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
Subject: Re: a MAPS replacement

I'm not sure we actually have a lot in common other than "we both use
DNS to do RBL lookups".

The RFCI project is mainly focused on the "idiot complex" rather than
the spammer problem. i.e., I care less[1] about attacking spammers
than people who don't know how to configure their mail server right,
or how to put proper info in their WHOIS record.

Now, there's an intersection, because the biggest SOURCE of
abuse/postmaster/whois bounces is from people complaining about spam
to $ISP, and $ISP being stupid in their configuration, hence they get
listed here.

I'm not saying I'm unwilling to help, but since my zones all use
domains (where yours would almost assuredly use IP addresses),
there's not a lot of intersection... what little there is
(submissions, etc.) is written so poorly on my end that I don't think
you'd want to use it. ;-)

But if you can think of something you need, let me know and I'll see
what I can do. :)


[1] for purposes of my zones anyway

both, RBL and have their pros, but also many cons. i
know that my domains block a whole lot of regular email through the
use of MAPS. in the end, it all boils down to the sending side
understanding the Mailerdaemon response, and taking appropriate
action. unfortunately, the majority of people are blinded and fooled
and dumbed by micro$oft and have no clue. plus, most postmasters on
this earth don't even know what SMTP stands for.

oh well, but considering that i have at least 2000 spam blocks per day
due to MAPS, i am all pro...

martin;              (greetings from the heart of the sun.)
  \____ echo mailto: !#^."<*>"|tr "<*> mailto:"; [EMAIL PROTECTED]
first snow, then silence.
this thousand dollar screen dies
so beautifully.

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