FYI I solved it, and the solution was the same as that of the fellow in the "ssh weirdness" thread. The problem was an ISP DNS issue. Namely, a reverse lookup on my IP yielded a plausible name, but a forward lookup on that name got nothing. This was causing the hosts.deny file to stop telnet and ssh.

Double checking, I found this to be the case on all three of my ISP accounts (all with static IPs). A quick call to them got forward lookups working again, but it seems that ISPs like to leave that off by default.


At 18:59 2001-07-11 +0200, Joost Kooij wrote:
On Tue, Jul 10, 2001 at 10:47:41PM -0700, Owen G. Emry wrote:
> Yes, it's just got the default .deny and .allow files.  Can't see anything
> wrong there.  And all other services besides ssh and telnet seem to work
> fine.  Very frustrating!  Thanks for the suggestion, though.

What does "netstat -tap" tell?  Have you tried running either
telnet or ssh under "strace" or "ltrace"?  Have you tried running
"tcpdump", to see what packets actually go over the wire?



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