On Thu, Jul 12, 2001 at 02:20:26PM -0400, Brian Nelson wrote:

>  > Why would you be suspicious?  I happen to like Outlook, and
> Because this is a debian-user list, and if you're using Outlook, you're
> obviously not using debian.

Really?  I bet that'd be a surprise to the two Debian machines this
email will pass through before it even makes it out of my home.
Oh wait, look at the message headers.  I'm using mutt!  On Debian!
Imagine that!

Of course, I could have Outlook running under wine/win4lin/etc.
(I don't) or could even be running NT under VMware (I'm not) or
I could be VNC'd to my NT box running Outlook from there (I don't
do that either).  I "use" Linux all the time, every day.
That doesn't mean I have to run it on my desktop.

> Well, he said dselect was an essential tool for package management, and
> you replied that dselect didn't do anything apt and dpkg couldn't do.

Of course I did.  Since installing these machines, I haven't
fired up dselect once.  It's not like I fuck with these machines
all the time anyways.  I use Linux as a server, not a desktop.
Servers, IMO, shouldn't be messed with all the time.  I install
the base system, install the daemons and packages I need, and leave
'em be.  Hell, I probably haven't even installed a package (not
counting security updates) in three or four months.  Why fire
up dselect when a simple wget/dpkg -i combination will suffice?

Why don't you worry about yourself instead of worrying about me?
I'm a big boy, I'll look out for myself.

All for letting the thread die...


Jeremy L. Gaddis     <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>

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