On 21 Tammuz 5761, Kurt Lieber wrote:

> So, here's a list of my requirements and I'm hoping you guys can point
> me to an MUA that meets them.  If so, I'll gladly switch over to Linux
> full-time and forswear Microsoft forever. :)

Except for calendaring - Emacs + Gnus + BBDB + gnus-pers.el to enable
one to switch "accounts" easily while composing posts/emails.  Emacs has
calendaring but currently can't share meeting info, etc. like Outlook

But you seem very wedded to the _way_ Outlook does things; I can almost
guarantee that the fact that Gnus can do all this, doesn't mean that
you'll like it.  Extensive customization is possible and easy but one
must learn a little Lisp to do it.

Perhaps Emacs + VM + BBDB would do what you want more precisely; not
sure, haven't tried it in a while.

If you don't like Emacs then somebody else will have to try to help
you.  Just a suggestion.
Charles Sebold                                      21st of Tammuz, 5761
Overheard at Taco Bell, 29 October 1999:
"The all-seeing eye of Horus doesn't have an eyebrow."

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