nate wrote:

>I guess I deleted the mail from I think "Sandip" but I decided
>to try to get java working in phoenix 0.5 and it seems to work..

Thanks a bunch, Nate.  I had to make a couple of changes, but only in
detail.  I've noted them below. Maybe it will help those that did it my
way, as I did it -- my way :)

>what I did:
>1) install phoenix(I install to ~/phoenix)

in /usr/local/bin/phoenix.d/

>2) download java:
>(I downloaded the linux self extracting file)

I used the Blackdown Debs (j2se1.3) \
testing non-free \
testing main

>3) chmod +x the java file and run it, move the directory to /usr/local/java

The Debs took care of location /usr/bin/java

>4) exit phoenix
>5) cd ~/phoenix/plugins

cd /usr/local/bin/phoenix.d/plugins

>6) ln -s /usr/local/java/plugin/i386/ns610/

ln -s /usr/lib/j2se/1.3/jre/plugin/i386/mozilla/

>7) start phoenix
>8) in url box type about:plugins to be sure it's loaded
>9) test it by going to:
>worked for me ....

Me, too.  Tnx agn, Nate

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