-----Original Message----- From: Jeff Conder To: Debian User List Sent: 7/11/01 9:27 AM Subject: Network Startup
Greetings, Thanks to everyone's help I am pretty much up and running :) And I finally bought a book "Running Linux", it's been a lot of help too. I created a file etc/init.d/network that configures my ethernet network. It seem to work well, I haven't found any problems with connections yet. But, I have to run this file manually as superuser to start my network. I can't seem to find any start up scripts that would use this file. What script file should this routine be called from so that my network gets configured at boot time? -- The file you want to be editing is /etc/network/interfaces (man 5 interfaces). There should be a script in /etc/init.d called 'networking'. While it is possible to create your own shell scripts to put into /etc/init.d, you probably don't want to bother, but if you do, you must remember that your script should support the (start|stop|restart|reload) parameters. There are shell functions you can source to aid in this. Anyway, assuming you had a more compliant script in place in /etc/init.d, you would then want to symlink it into the directories corresponding to the appropriate runlevels (networking should be enabled in everything other than 0,1,6). When linking the script to /etc/rc?.d there is a simple convention to follow. ie. S12networking S = start or K = kill 12 = Order in which it loads compared to other scripts and then the name of the script. Hope something helped. -Bob