-----Original Message-----
From: Jeff Conder
To: Debian User List
Sent: 7/11/01 9:27 AM
Subject: Network Startup


Thanks to everyone's help I am pretty much up and running :)
And I finally bought a book "Running Linux", it's been a lot
of help too.

I created a file etc/init.d/network that configures my
ethernet network. It seem to work well, I haven't found
any problems with connections yet.

But, I have to run this file manually as superuser to
start my network. I can't seem to find any start up
scripts that would use this file.

What script file should this routine be called from
so that my network gets configured at boot time?

The file you want to be editing is /etc/network/interfaces (man 5
There should be a script in /etc/init.d called 'networking'.  While it is
possible to create your own shell scripts to put into /etc/init.d, you
don't want to bother, but if you do, you must remember that your script
support the (start|stop|restart|reload) parameters.  There are shell
you can source to aid in this.

Anyway, assuming you had a more compliant script in place in /etc/init.d,
would then want to symlink it into the directories corresponding to the
runlevels (networking should be enabled in everything other than 0,1,6).
linking the script to /etc/rc?.d there is a simple convention to follow.

ie. S12networking

S = start
K = kill

12 = Order in which it loads compared to other scripts

and then the name of the script.

Hope something helped.


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