had similar problem. before comiling, open th makefile in vi or your
fav editor and uncomment the 

export INSTALL_PATH=/boot


good luck

--- Victor <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
> Victor [debian-user] <10/07/01 17:35 +0000>:
> > The standard kernel 2.4.5 from kernel-image is working great,
> whilst
> > after compiling my tailored kernel 2.4.5 (which I obtained using
> the
> > config file for my previous kernel 2.2.19 with minor changes) the
> > following error pops up stopping the boot:
> > 
> > ..........................................
> > NET4: Unix domain sockets 1.0/SMP for linux NET4.0
> > request_module[block-major-3]: Root fs not mounted
> > VFS: Cannot open root devic "302" or 03:02
> > Please append a correct "root=" boot option
> > Kernel panic:VFS:Unable to mount root fs 03:02
> > 
> > .............................AND DIES!!
> >
> Dear Friends,
> now I'm at a dead end! I cannot get rid of the above message of
> kernel
> panic.
> Even if I compile the kernel with the original
> /boot/config-2.4.5-686
> -coming with the debian package of the kernel image- the error is
> the
> same.
> So, help me please understand which of the two following hypotheses
> is
> true:
> Hyp. A (utterly probable): 
> I'm doing something wrong with the compilation of kernel 2.4.5.
> I follow the same procedure I'd been following for the 2.2.19
> kernel,
> that is, after executing 
> #make menuconfig 
> and loading the /boot/config-2.4.5-686 config file, I issue
> #make-kpkg clean      #no problems!
> #make-kpkg --revision=vic kernel_image   #no problems
> Then, under /usr/src/, I issue
> #dpkg --install kernel-image-2.4.5_vic_i386.deb
> (Sometimes, not always, dpkg complains about missing dependencies)
> Reconfiguring lilo and rebooting the above panic message pops up.
> Hyp. B (Utterly incredible to me):
> There's something wrong in the original config-2.4.5-686 file
> Vittorio
> -- 
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