This may not be the first time it's been brought up, but it seems it
deserves repeating:

I've noticed that for some reason (laziness?) many people reply to
list mail rather than telling their mailer to compose a new message to
the list.

Even if you change the subject, your mailer often includes a header
like In-Reply-To <original-message-id>. This makes other proper
mailers (for example, mutt, which many people on this list, including
many potential answer-persons) thread the messages with the unrelated
message you replied to. This does 2 things: creates big, ugly
pseudo-threads for us, and buries your message therein, making it less
likely to be found and responded to.

I know that on a list with this much traffic I sometimes look for
'singleton' messages to reply to; often I find that questions within
threads (showing replies beneath them) have already been answered, and
I sometimes skip them.

For these reasons, you should not reply to someone else's message with
an unrelated message; you should compose a new message.



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