On Wednesday, 11. July 2001 00:36, Stephan Hachinger wrote:
> tim wrote:
> > Hello
> >
> > Konquereor crashes on me with most javascripts, since the last
> > update in sid. Dissable is not really an option so I like to try
> > installing
> >
> >>from cvs.
> >
> > I have never compiled Kde or any other "big" thing except kernels0.
> > My question is whether I have to uninstall my running KDE or just
> > "make it with prefix ".  Will this possibly mess my system ?
> >
> > In generally any tips are welcome!
> >
> > tim
> There are usually debian packaging scripts included in the sources,
> so that you can download the sources, change into the source
> directories and just call dpkg-buildpackage (from dpkg-dev) to build
> debian packages from the sources. Sometimes, the file /debian/rules
> cannot be executed in this process because of wrong permissions and
> dpkg complains, then you just have to chmod. When you install those
> generated .deb packages, older versions are automatically uninstalled
> by dpkg. If you've already installed something by make install, I'd
> recommend to do a make uninstall first. I think the deb installation
> is much cleaner than other ways.
> Cheers,
> Stephan

Now that have tried to build the packages I have the following problem:

---moc.y:1128: type clash (`' `string') on default action
make[2]: *** [mocgen.cpp] Error 1
make[2]: Leaving directory `/home/tim/kdecvs/qt-copy/src/moc'
make[1]: *** [src-moc] Error 2
make[1]: Leaving directory `/home/tim/kdecvs/qt-copy'
make: *** [shared-stamp] Error 2

I got such an error (make: *** [shared-stamp] Error 2) with all 
packages I have tried so far. Before I started dpkg-buildpackage, I 
have made the symlinks to ../kde-common/admin. Is there any specific 
order how to build and install those packeges? 

thanks in advance


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