Okay, just looked up some more infos.  Seems there's a cvspserver
wrapper in Debian already (a Bourne script) in /usr/sbin/cvs-pserver.

So, then regular /etc/inetd.conf has something like:

cvspserver stream  tcp nowait  root /usr/sbin/tcpd /usr/sbin/cvs-pserver

It looks at /etc/cvs-pserver.conf for a colon separted list of
repositories, building up the "--allow-root" argument and finally
exec'ing "/usr/bin/cvs ...".  Somehow, that seemed to work okay
with a /var/lib/cvs/CVSROOT/password file containing an entry like:


And, the /var/lib/cvs/CVSROOT/config file has system authentication
turned off.

I think the key to the shell script working is the directive:

unset HOME

I think cvs looks at the $HOME variable, which will be /root and it gets
confused.  There's some mention of this in the docs and in

My understanding is, you probably want to be using ssh and :ext: method
rather than the ":pserver:" method for read/write repositories.  But, I
guess, that configuration is a little different.

Eric G. Miller <egm2@jps.net>

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