On Mon, Jul 09, 2001 at 09:35:54AM +0200, christophe barbé wrote:
| On machine with only one user, it's a waste of time to return to gdm
| to halt your machine.
| gshutdown allows to halt or restart your machine from the gnome session.

Only when run as root.  I recently noticed that program and tried it

| On ximian box, when you logout from gnome, a dialog box prompt you for :
| 1. logout from X session
| 2. halt the machine
| 3. restart the machine
| 4. no logout
| This is a feature added by ximian which seems to has not been
| integrated in the standart gnome.

Hmm,  when I was using RH I followed the stable gnome releases from
gnome.org (they make RPMs and apt-get isn't there).  When I would log
out I got a dialog just like I see now (using stanard gnome from
woody) except it had 2 check boxes in it as well :

    [ ]  Save Session
    [ ]  Shutdown

It may have had radio buttons for "Shutdown" vs. "Reboot", but I don't
remember exactly as that was several months ago.


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