On Wed, 4 Jul 2001, Karsten Heymann wrote:
> On Mon, Jul 02, 2001 at 01:00:38PM -0500 or thereabouts, techlists wrote: > > > ... > > > After the update I select to install GDM, to make sure everything is working > > fine. Once installed and after a reboot, GDM comes up and I see in its > > session menu list, I have the selections for Debian(window maker) and Gnome. > > I leave Debian(window makes) as default. So far so good. > > > > Now, I add kde.debian.net into my sources list, Update, and using Dselect > > add task-kde. I check and make sure, and it's set to install KDM, and > > remove GDM. After everything is finished, I reboot. Now the real problem. > > The sessions list on the KDM only has 2 listings, default and failsafe. > > Default is Window maker. So what the [EMAIL PROTECTED] happened to Gnome, > > and why is KDE > > not listed. If I log into default(window maker), on the menu, under window > > managers, all are listed, and I can change between them. So, why is it not > > in the KDM sessions list. I first thought this was just a glitch, but it > > happened on both computers. I hope someone can help. I had exactly this same problem when downloading kde2 debs. > What I first did in this situation was to add the sessions i wanted into > /etc/X11/kdm/kdmrc or create an *executable* shell script ~/.xsession. > > --- /etc/X11/kdm/kdmrc --- > ... > SessionTypes=default,kde2,icewm,startxfce,enlightenment,failsafe This method should work, I think. > A better way is to read and understand kdm(1), at least the manpage in > woody is very informative. To set the default wm i think calling > 'update-alternatives x-window-manager' or so is the right thing. I tried modifying the list of x-window-managers using update-alternatives, and bollixed up my login completely. Before I could login from kdm and it would go into wmaker, and from there I could get into kde. But there were only options default and failsafe listed in kdm, both of which gave wmaker. After I meddled with x-window-managers using update-alternatives (trying to add kde as an option to the group) when I logged in I could just get a small console on the top left hand corner, there was nothing else but blank screen, and the mouse did not work. In desperation, I reinstalled wmaker using apt-get install --reinstall wmaker and this fixed it so I could log into wmaker from kdm again. For some reason this also added the options kde2 and wmaker to the list of options in kdm, which solved my original problem. Go figure. There also appears to be an option in the kde control panel to add sessions manually, but this probably just edits /etc/X11/kdm/kdmrc. In any case, I'm not convinced that update-alternatives is the correct method to solve this particular problem, but I also think I don't really understand how to use it. If anyone has used it to solve this particular problem successfully, I would like to hear it. Faheem.