On Fri, Jul 06, 2001 at 10:39:20AM -0400, Peter S Galbraith wrote:
> This made me think the floppy thing was not viable.  How does it
> work out for you?

I'll put in another recommendation for the Mavica.  I bought an ancient
Sony Mavica FD-73 about a month ago and it does exactly what I need.
The standard resolution is 640x480 and I get anywhere from 25-40 pics
per floppy.  There are a few things that I really dig about this:

+ I can send the picture of in an email without having to edit or crop
or scale it (the cropping process is why i never used my scanner).
Also, I have gotten too many 3 MB bitmap attachment from digicam newbies

+ I can view the floppies on any machine anywhere - whether it is at
home, on my laptop, in a netcafe, or someone else's office.

+ I can use the floppies as an archive method and only store the choice
photos on my machine.  After I come back from a trip, I save the good
pics to a directory on my hard drive and send them out to everyone by
email, and then I just label the floppies and stick them in a drawer.

Of course, it helps that I have about 300 used floppies lying around.
The only major drawbacks to this camera:

- I am obviously not going to be taking print-quality photos

- It's a brick.  The floppy drive doesn't really help the form factor.

If you are looking for a camera to get quick photos and publish them to
the web or send them in email, the Mavica is the camera.


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