On Sun, 8 Jul 2001 15:02:35 -0700
"Karsten M. Self" <kmself@ix.netcom.com> wrote:

> With one of the recent updates to xscreensaver (I'm running 3.32), power
> management functionality previously resident in xset was incorporated
> into xscreensaver.  Moreover, xscreensaver silently overrides the
> settings specified via xset's dpms option.  Insult to injury, the
> current .xscreensaverrc file format is very sensitive to modifications
> (e.g.: breaks if you look at it hard or think of doing same), and can
> frustrate attempts to manually fix the problem.
> You *can* modify the xscreensaver configuration yourself via the
> xscreensaver-demo dialog, on the "Screensaver Options" panel.
> Preferred behavior would be for xscreensaver to note and preserver
> current dpms settings, *unless* specifically and interactively
> overridden by manual configuration, or disable power management by
> default.  Better yet, pull dpms functionality *out* of xscreensaver and
> leave it in xset where it belongs.
> As things stand, you can configure dpms *either* with xset *or* with
> xscreensaver, but if you try to use both, xscreensaver clobbers the xset
> configurations.  Because xset configuration can be governed from any
> number of places, there's little likelihood of coordinating the behavior
> of the two programs.


Question: the past month I have been having occasional Gnome crashes when
the monitor switches off. The crash manifests itself by quite simply
dumping me back to the gdm login. I blamed my nVidia drivers at first, but
from your post I'm beginning to suspect that it is xscreensaver messing
with dpms. Is this possible? Anyone else see comparable behaviour? BTW I
do have xscreensaver turned off in the Gnome control center.


Baby even the losers get lucky sometimes
Even the losers keep a little bit of pride

Tom Petty and The Heartbreakers - Even The Losers

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