hi ya josh

the .* told it to change it to the directory above it too...

geez.... what fun

if you only wanted to change the local dot files... oh well...
we all learn and remember the hard way... :-)
        shoulda been:  chmod pattern  ~/.*

an easy fix might be: 

        ( your system might/is hosed anyway..might as well play 
        ( around a bit and experiment -- see if you can undo the damage

        cd /root
        find . -type d -exec chmod 775 {} \;
        find . -typAe f -exec chmod 644 {} \;

        and change to the other dirs ( / and all dirs at / ) 
        and do the same..

if you did other commands too .... that'd be harder to fix

c ya

On Sun, 8 Jul 2001, Alan Shutko wrote:

> > Is there any chance chmod -R o-rwx .* started working
> > on subdirectories of / ?
> Yes, since that's what -R means.  Your system is hosed.  Reinstall.

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