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A long time ago, in a galaxy far, far way, someone said...

> Does anyone know what simple small program I can uses to transfer files
> from the notebook to the desktop.

All you need on the Windows side is HyperTerminal; on the Debian system
you need the lrzsz package.

The first step is to get to the point where you can log into the Debian
system via one of the serial ports.

The second step - transfering the file to the Debian system - is much
easier: run "rz" from the command line and then use HyperTerminal to
send the file you want to transfer via ZModem.

> ppp is not an option, since I have no way of getting the windows install
> files onto the notebook for it's dial-up networking
> PLIP is no good, since I don't have a parallel cable, and it's not so
> terrible, that I'm going to go and buy one :)

I wasn't aware that Win 9x/NT/2k could do PLIP (Win 3.x can do it with the
Crynwr packet drivers).

> so whatever softeware needed on the windows box needs to be small and
> not need anything fancy on the windows side

And chances are the only software you need is already on the Windows box

- -- 
- ----------------------------------------------------------------------
Phil Brutsche                               [EMAIL PROTECTED]

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