hey, I'm not quota expert, but I played with it
and, to my understanding, you can do that as long
/var/www/user_data is on a separate (ext2) partition;
it works for reiserfs too, but you must pay attention 
to the kernel version to apply some patches.
or, if you have your /var/ ,for example, mounted
on a different partition, you can set quota for that
partition, but beware that anything else written on var
as that user counts against quota.
a good document if you don't know how to do it is here:

good luck!


Mike Egglestone wrote:
> HI...
> Hopefully someone could help me set this up........
> I have a directory in my filesystem.....
> /var/www/user_data
> The directory is owned by www-data
> I would like to setup a quota so that every directory that gets written to
> (created)
> under /var/www/user_data
> will never be allowed to exceed 10 Megs..... as data builds up
> Is this possible?
> What steps do I need to make?
> Thanks
> Mike

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