But what about netscape and LyX. LyX is xforms, and I don't think netscape is 

Anyway, I'll look into your suggestion.

On Monday 02 July 2001 01:49, Joost Kooij wrote:
> On Sun, Jul 01, 2001 at 10:40:11PM -0500, Christopher M. Jones wrote:
> > xlsfonts gives me -bunches- of output. Standard adobe stuff, b&h,
> > bitstream, cronyx, ... KDE, for instance, uses a good font. The
> > applications that suffer are gtk apps like gnome-apt, and other random
> > apps, like the menus in LyX (an xforms app) and netscape, and the gdm
> > login. So the problem isn't consistent all the way through the X
> > environment. I'm guessing KDE does allright because it gets its own fonts
> > its own way.
> Oh, now I see, you mean "Gnome and gtk" where you say "X".
> > BTW: how does one find out what font X is using at any given time?
> X doesn't determine what fonts to use, applications do.  You need
> to look into the relevant documentation, probably gtk.
> Cheers,
> Joost

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