man bash and look under INVOCATION. FILES section tells you when /etc/profile, ~/.bash_profile adn ~/.bashrc are read.
one simple way to test is echoing something different in each of /etc/profile and .bash_profile. see which of the messages appears!! :) in the shell where you say env variables are not reflected.
Vineet Kumar wrote:
* Joao Clemente <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> [20030227 18:16 PST]:
On Friday 28 February 2003 01:06, praveen kallakuri wrote:
your console may not be spawning a login shell. thats when /etc/profile is not read (in other words, /etc/profile is read when you spawn a login shell). trying using a standard terminal. or alternatively, put your environment variables in .bashrc in your HOME. and source .bashrc in your .bash_profile.
I think that is not the problem I'm facing:
When I start kde through "startx" my konsole has the enviroment set up properly.
When I start kde through kdm, the same console does not have the environment set up.
If I had the problem you talk about, I would face it either way, right?
Nope. When you log in at the console, that's your login shell. Any sub-processes (including your entire X session) inherit the environment from the parent process, in which the variable has been set.
good times, Vineet
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