On Thu, Jun 28, 2001 at 10:59:03PM +0200, thomas anderson wrote:
> Hi masters of the linux community surely you know some tricks to this...,
> I want to try to put a perl script in the /usr/lib/perl directory however I
> don't have permission access...I tried symlinking it but it still won't work.
> is there I way to do this without becoming root or sudo?

as others have said, "don't do that."

if it's just for you, make your own lib directory in your $HOME

        mkdir ~/lib  <- put your perl modules there, then
        perl -I$HOME/lib yourscripts.pl

for executables, do

        mkdir ~/bin <- put programs here
        export PATH="$HOME/bin:$PATH"


here's the philosophy --

        $ echo $PATH

every portion between ":" is a path that's searched when you ask
for a command (and you don't specify the full path yourself).
most of the stuff you run will be from /usr/bin, such as

        apropos  find    pager    tracepath  ...&c...
        cvs      locate  passwd   uptime
        diff     make    tail     vi

any of these can be overridden by putting a similarly-named
executable in the /usr/local/bin directory -- which is part of
the reason it's there at the beginning of your $PATH.

similarly, for perl's @INC:

        $ perl -e 'print join "\n",@INC'

put your own modules into /usr/local/lib/site_perl and leave the
system stuff alone.

the system utilities (apt-get, dpkg) will take care of the
system directories for you; you can munge the /usr/local/ stuff
to your heart's content. also makes it easier to back up changes
you make to your own system.

Wanting to SYNCHRONIZE YOUR SYSTEM CLOCK periodically? If you
think your system clock gathers or loses a few extra seconds
each day, you're probably looking for "ntpdate" which queries
several "network time protocol" servers, and sets your system
clock accordingly.
        apt-get install ntpdate ntp-doc
then browse /usr/share/doc/ntp-doc/html for info.

Also see http://newbieDoc.sourceForge.net/ ...

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