On Thu, Feb 27, 2003 at 09:09:55PM -0800, nate wrote:
> I guess I deleted the mail from I think "Sandip" but I decided
> to try to get java working in phoenix 0.5 and it seems to work..

yes. it was me. it had been quite frustrating. finally, i decided to
check if there are any debian packages available. i have posted a
message recently.

> what I did:
> 1) install phoenix(I install to ~/phoenix)

same as me.

> 2) download java:
> http://java.sun.com/j2se/1.4.1/download.html
> (I downloaded the linux self extracting file)

so did i.

> 3) chmod +x the java file and run it, move the directory to /usr/local/java

ah ha. i had it extracted in /home/sandip/java. i think java needs to be
in the 'path'. here is output of echo $PATH:


could that be the reason?

> 4) exit phoenix
> 5) cd ~/phoenix/plugins
> 6) ln -s /usr/local/java/plugin/i386/ns610/libjavaplugin_oji.so
> 7) start phoenix

identical - except the path to java

> 8) in url box type about:plugins to be sure it's loaded

i did not know this. i will try it out this time.

> 9) test it by going to:
> http://java.sun.com/openstudio/applets/clock.html

i went to some other site that runs java applet. i think it should not

> worked for me ....

did not work for me (TM) ;) but i will try again (TM) ;)

> nate

thanks for your help. just one question. if i have /usr/local in my
path, does it mean all subdirectories under /usr/local?

sandip p deshmukh

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