[EMAIL PROTECTED] (Joost Kooij) wrote: > Date: Mon, 25 Jun 2001 14:51:47 +0200 [...] > On Sun, Jun 24, 2001 at 07:00:36PM -0700, Robert Cymbala wrote: [...] > Or install ssh-socks, but it is a non-free package, rms doesn't like it.
I've got an unrelated, yet perhaps still important, question about packages. If package A conflicts with package B, should package B say that it conflicts with package A? For example (a biased example, involving ssh): $ awk '/^$/{if (p ~ /^ssh/) {print p, c;} p=c="";} \ > /^Package:/{p=$2} /^Conflicts:/{c=$0}' /var/lib/dpkg/status ssh-nonfree Conflicts: ssh, ssh-askpass (<= 1.2.27-4) ssh Conflicts: ssh-nonfree, ssh-socks, ssh2, debconf (<< 0.2.17), debconf-tiny (<< 0.2.17) ssh-socks Package ssh-socks doesn't conflict with anything, but ssh conflicts with ssh-socks and ssh-nonfree. Do rules for making packages say that conflicts have to be indicated by control-information of both packages? Cheers, Robert