On Saturday 23 June 2001 02:05, Donald R. Spoon wrote:
> > short question, the subject says it all really. how do you find out which
> > io port your ISA networkcard is using?
> Short question, but a long answer <g>.  The answer lies in understanding
> how the kernel handles the ISA bus during bootup AND how your particular
> NIC works.


> Another way of finding out the io/irq values to use in modconf(or with
> loadable modules) is just to insert the card into a Winders (Win 95, 98,
> ME, etc) machine and see what it detects, then use the same values for
> your modconf options.  In any case, I would review the copious amount of
> info available on your particular NIC at the site mentioned above.  The
> various ISA NIC's setup will vary somewhat according to the chipset
> used.

ah, thank you kindly.. another problem of many solved :)


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