On Sat, Jun 23, 2001 at 01:11:08AM +0200, Raffaele Sandrini wrote:
> Hi
> Can somebody give me a (very) short overview how pronting works und 

No.  (well at least that was short).

> which of them must i use and for what?

Install lprng and magicfilter.  Configure magicfilter.  Maybe
tweak it just a little (if the printer margin is not quite right).

> what is the simplest way to connect my printing system to a Win98 pc over 
> samba?

Unhook the printer from the windows machine, hook it up to the linux
machine.  Install samba on the linux machine.  Let windows print to
linux.  It is very simple, just let windows use the windows printer
driver, but somewhere in the printer dialog, set the "port" or something
like it to point to the samba printer share.

Samba will then hand it to lprng, which hands it to magicfilter, which
should notice that the file is in the printer's native language (usually
some form of PCL) and just send it straight back to lprng, which finally
writes it onto the printer device, which makes the kernel dump it out the 
parallel port of your computer.



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