Am 22. Jun, 2001 schwäzte Adri so:

> Well, I saw the exim.conf file and there were some referrings to the old 
> host name (debianAdriano) so I run eximconfig again.
> But now I wonder what other files still refer to the old name? What 
> consequences I'm gonna run into?

I changed my hostname recently and found the following 3 files in /etc:


The first should be changed when using hostname to set a new hostname. The
second should have the localhost line modified as well.

Maybe there should be a trigger for those services that require knowing the

I found /etc/exim/exim.conf, /etc/apache/conf/httpd.conf,
etc/ppp/options.ttyXX and the ssh host key files. I've left the ssh keys
alone, but the rest was easy to change.


#  I chose to use the kernel sources as my documentation.  ;-)
#  -- Kevin Buettner

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