On Thursday 21 June 2001 19:36, Joerg Johannes wrote: > Hi list > > How do I make wget download images? > I used > wget -r -l1 -k > http://www.somesite.anywhere/the/directory/iwant/index.htm > This copies all html files that are linked form this index file to > my local computer. I'm only missing the images (this is important, > because it is a graphics tutoriyl...)
You could try other web grabbers like pavuk and aria. Pavuk and aria are multithreaded (allows you to download several files at the same time), and comes with a nice gui. (You need a separate front end for wget.) Pavuk has some sort of file locking mechanism. With wget, funny things can happen when you start two wget sessions that end up pointing at the same files. Uncompleted downloads are conveniently named .in_* so you know your downloads are, well, uncompleted. This of course assumes that the server you're connecting to is one of those sensible ones that allow resumable downloads. You could also try prozilla, which allows the multithreaded download of a single file, good for downloading the latest linux kernel or mozilla source.